Parc de la Gatineau and Mont Tremblant National Park, Quebec, Canada

Today I left my Airbnb and drove a total of almost 4 hours. I did two hikes, the first in Parc de la Gatineau, near Ottawa, and the other in Mont Tremblant National Park.  Combined, they were a little over 4 miles with over 1,000 ft elevation gain.

On my way to Mont Tremblant, I stopped to take a photo of a beautiful waterfall and lake.

The hike at Mont Tremblant is called La Corniche.  This girl and I spoke for a bit. We both remarked how we run into solo female traveler/hikers, but rarely any men. It seems that men don’t like to travel by themselves, at least the ones I’ve talked to through the dating sites. We took each other’s photos at the top.

I have two nights here, but I’m feeling a little tired of hiking so I may go cycling tomorrow. There’s also a heatwave here like there is across much of the US.

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