Entering Copenhagen’s Christiania

Entering Copenhagen’s Christiania is a bit like entering a taboo fairyland.  If you’re not familiar with it, according to Wikipedia, “Christiania, also known as Freetown Christiania, is a self-proclaimed autonomous neighborhood of about 850 residents, covering 84 acres.  Civic authorities in Copenhagen regard Christiania as a large commune, but the area has a unique status in that it is regulated by a special law, the Christiania Law of 1989, which transfers parts of the supervision of the area from the municipality of Copenhagen to the state”.  I visited on my second and final day in Copenhagen before taking a train to Stockholm.  I was on a rental bicycle, in the rain, with the lady whose flight was delayed by a day.  On the way to Christiania, she fell off of her bicycle and luckily was only bruised.

Let me back up for a moment.  I asked the other two Tour participants if they would accompany me to the Airport to meet this participant (even though that took a few hours out of our meager time allotted for Copenhagen) because I knew she wouldn’t be able to find her way without us.  So, the three of us met her at the Airport and she was very relieved to see us!  After getting her checked in, I rented the bicycles for all of us to tour around on and we ended up splitting off from the other two because they didn’t want to ride any more.

Now…we’re back in Christiania…


I chatted with this lady for a couple of minutes and was surprised to hear that she’s been working there for 30 years!  Just beyond her on the path there was a sign that said “no photographs” and she explained, “That’s the area where they smoke marijuana”.


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Copenhagen’s Royal Gardens at Rosenborg

Copenhagen‘s Royal Gardens at Rosenborg are well-tended and quite peaceful.  The manicured trees formed an artery leading in the direction of the Gardens…


My Tour participants and I meandered along the path eager to come upon the Gardens…


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Canal Ride from Nyhavn in Copenhagen

I left off yesterday with myself and two of three (the third person’s flight being delayed a day) Tour participants I would be leading throughout Scandinavia for ten days checked into the Generator Hostel in Copenhagen.  One of the reasons I chose this accommodation was its wonderful location within a five-minute walk from the Nyhavn harbor area.  After freshening up we made our way to Nyhavn, which means New Harbor, for a canal boat tour.  When I planned the trip and presented it to possible Tour participants, I included most of the activities in their total cost for the trip and this boat tour was one of the included activities.

Here’s one side of the harbor lined with delightful and colorful restaurants and townhouses…


We needed to use the restroom (and we didn’t have to pay like we did in so many places throughout Eastern/Central Europe), so we went inside of a building located behind me as I took this photograph of the harbor area…


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Generator Hostel is no ordinary Hostel

In case you haven’t been following along, I began my month long European excursion in May 2014, escorting eleven people through four Eastern/Central European Countries in eleven days and all of them went back home to Cincinnati, Ohio after the trip except one…my friend Richard.  He and I went on to Munich and Amsterdam for about six nights, and flew to Copenhagen, Denmark, where we were meeting two new Tour participants.  Their flights were to arrive a bit earlier than ours, so they were to meet us at our baggage claim.  We found one of them and waited for about 15 minutes before receiving a text from the fourth informing us of her flight’s cancellation and new arrival time the following day.

Our first stop for a couple of nights was Copenhagen, then we were traveling to Stockholm, Sweden, and two Cities in Norway.  I had booked a hostel in Copenhagen, which was a new experience for me.  I’ve used Couchsurfing.org, VRBO, and Airbnb, but never a hostel.  Having researched lots of possibilities in Copenhagen, I booked the Generator Hostel.  It’s not your ordinary hostel as you’ll see from these photos.

Here’s a view of the surrounding buildings while sitting on one of the outdoor patio furniture seats…


I played pool one evening in the recreational area pictured here with a twenty-something threesome and won!  Love that funky chair!


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