Cycling along the Parc Lineaire Le P’tit Train du Nord, Mont Tremblant, Quebec

My feet decided last night that they wanted a break from hiking, so today I rented an e-bike and cycled along the Parc Linéaire Le P’tit Train du Nord.  It’s a 124 mile multi use recreational rail trail that runs between Saint-Jérôme and Mont-Laurier.  Originally, it was a railway line operated by the Canadian Pacific railway. I got off track a couple of times, and discovered that there’s a large network of cycling paths.

I had such a good time, I rode for 2 and 1/2 hours and really used a lot of leg power. It was about 20 miles and when I returned the bike the shopkeeper said I used very little of the electric.  I passed over rivers and rode by lakes.

When I arrived to the Mont Tremblant ski resort, I spotted a really pretty Church.

I had lunch at a nice little place in downtown Mont Tremblant. The restaurants and shops really create a quaint feel.

Tomorrow I’m headed to Quebec City for two nights. I’ll do a hike in a national park on the way.

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