Day 7 of my Solo Oregon Adventure

I left my Airbnb in Bend and drove ½ hour to Smith Rock State Park. I arrived a little after 7:00 a.m. and the parking lot was already half full. I hiked the 4.5 mi Crooked River trail aka Rim Rock trail. As you can see from the photos, it’s a beautiful place!

There were people repelling and rock climbing

I’ve been trying to find a place that will do an MRI on my shoulder injury, but since I’m only here for a day and a half, emergency rooms, urgent cares, and orthopedic doctors don’t want to. 😿 Tomorrow morning, I drive to the Mt Hood area where I will stay for two evenings.

9 thoughts on “Day 7 of my Solo Oregon Adventure

  1. I hope your shoulder is feeling better, and that you can secure an MRI a.s.a.p.. Pain sucks, but you, my dear friend, definitely Rock! Or, shall I say ‘rocks’ ~ such a beautiful area you’ve shared, dear Sherry ~ TY 😘

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Me again! If it was me (and I am a retired nurse), I would call zoomcare, explain what has happened, what they told you in Lincoln City?Coos Bay?, tell them your remaining itinerary and see what they advise. They might be able to work you in tomorrow.

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    • Hi Debbie, thank you so much for all of your help. I just tried ZoomCare and they don’t accept Medicare. I got ahold of Rayus radiology, they have a couple of appointments available on one of the 2 days I’ll be in Portland. I sent a message to my doctor, since they won’t do an MRI without an order from a doctor, so I should hear back from her tomorrow. Her tomorrow. I’m wondering though what good it’s going to do if I don’t have a doctor to give me a cortisone shot or whatever else they could do for whatever it is that is wrong 🤪


      • I didn’t realize that about Zoom because I’m not in Portland. Radiologist might be able to give cortisone if they have it available or refer you to someone that could do it once the MRI is read. If you are traveling right after, possibly ask radiologist for a Rx for the cortisone injection. Any immediate care that takes Medicare should be able to give it. Don’t know where you’re headed next, but biggest hospitals in Washington are in Seattle and area. You might look at your schedule and see what works best.
        Since I’m not familiar with the places over there, I don’t know what else to suggest. Good luck.

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  3. If you couldn’t get them to do an MRI in Bend at St Charles, your best bet is going to be Portland. There is a hospital in Hood River and one across the river in White Salmon, but both very small and they would send people to Portland. St Charles is the biggest hospital on the east side. You are going to be a little over an hour from Portland. I believe there are also some stand up MRI clinics in Portland, so you might check that way. Also look up Zoomcare, I think some of them have imaging services.


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