My February

Since I’ve been home from Arizona, there has been quite a bit going on. I went with my friend to a Mardi Gras celebration in Mainstrasse, Covington, Kentucky. Neither of us had been to it in the past and it was a lot of fun! There was a parade and we went into a few different bars/restaurants. I’m pretty outgoing so I struck up conversations with a number of people.

I went country line dancing with a friend, but she didn’t want to participate so she snapped a photo of me. I have an odd expression on my face 😀

Last night I went with a friend to a new restaurant in town called The Davidson. The food was good, and we had some wine. We couldn’t believe it was $17 for one glass of wine 🙀

I had cataract surgery on my left eye almost 2 weeks ago. I’m very near sighted, which means I can’t see far away, so if I don’t have a contact in my other eye, my vision is very odd. I can shut one eye and see far away and if I shut the other eye I can see up close. I’ll have the other eye done on Monday. For a week afterwards, you’re not allowed to lift anything over 10 lb. or get water in your eye, which means you can’t wash your face normally or wash your hair, unless you do it very carefully.  You know you’re getting old when you’ve had a hip replaced, you have hearing aids, and have had cataract surgery 😅

Since I’ve had a lot of free time, I’ve been travel planning and I also painted my great room white. That took about 32 hours, spread out over 3 and 1/2 days, and my body definitely feels it. I purchased a new sectional and it arrives later today.  I’ll share a photo next time!

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