Picking up Bushman in Botswana

With almost two weeks of my 35 day African Overland Truck adventure behind me, we were on the road again for 9 hours driving from the capital of Namibia—Windhoek—on our way across the border into Botswana to visit the San Bushmen.  Upon arrival to Ghanzi, which is located on the edge of the Kalahari Desert, I decided to spend $5 to upgrade from my tent to a Bushman hut.  It had electric and a bed with warm blankets!  Oh…the things we take for granted!

After getting situated, I made my way to meet the group and to say hello to the indigenous San Bushman.  I had brought a wand with bubbles to blow for children along the 8,000 km overland truck journey, and when our translator saw it, he took me by the hand over to the small group with their children and let me start blowing bubbles.  No one took a photo of me with the bubbles…but here are some of the people.

At first I thought they had horrible body odor…but later found out that they rub a plant on themselves to ward off mosquitos!

Later, I wanted a photo with them.  One of the fun things I do when traveling is pick up men…

I’m not sure he was enjoying it though!

Later that evening, for $10, we were treated to traditional dancing by the fire.  There was a funny moment when the translator was giving us some history of a local tradition that is performed by girls when they start menstruating.  I thought he said that they have to dance naked in front of the elder men of the tribe and was asking him more questions trying to clarify it.  Everyone had a good laugh, but I still didn’t find out what really happens!

We all had a great time with the San Bushmen of Botswana!

69 thoughts on “Picking up Bushman in Botswana

  1. Pingback: Ghanzi, Botswana « toemail

  2. Pingback: The Mighty Victoria Falls | Fabulous 50's

  3. LOL! I don’t know which is funnier, you picking up the bushman or the fact you wear UGS in the bush..:-)))) Great post and glad you are feeling better..:-))


  4. loved loved this!! I slept in a similar one in Masai Mara, Kenya, falling asleep to the sounds of a Lion somewhere near by ..

    The picture of you holding him is hilarious! : ))


  5. No matter how out-of-place and out of comfort zone that is from my own personal space, I’d be thrilled to sleep in to one of those. And I won’t complain about bugs or dirt either!


      • The fact that it’s part of the experience and the travel is the factor. Although a bit dangerous, I had once slept inside a car to wait due to traveling overtime, and couldn’t find a hotel to check in to. I just went and find a parking lot and off I copped some Z’s, then continue on traveling the next morning. 😀


  6. Sherry — you are so adorable! I’m glad you’re not sick anymore, and you are SO my kinda woman, traveling with faboo UGGS and all your cute clothes, even while camping. What an adventuress!!!


  7. Hi,
    Fantastic photos, and how great that there was an option of the upgrade, I love the little huts, and a real bed as well, not bad for $5. 🙂
    I love the way you picked up the guy, well done, and I could only smile about the story of the girls dance. 😀


  8. Wow! I hope I’m as fabulous as you are when I’m in my 50’s. So, was the village set up as a tourist spot like Silver Dollar City where the workers dress up in period costume to replicate that era? I was wondering because you said the San don’t live like that anymore.


  9. Quite the adventure! I remember you picking up a man in a previous post. Traditions should be maintained. What ever that stuff is for the mosquitos seems to do the trick. We could use some in Northern Ontario as well. I was going to comment on how nice their skin looks…perhaps the ointment has some kind of skin conditioning factor we could all use as well. 😉


  10. Sherry you must be so much fun to travel with…….the locals will remember you long after you left for home! I’m sure you touched all their hearts….especially the guy you picked up!!!


  11. Great and relaxed photos – yes, you must be strong … it’s suppose to be the other way around *smile – he looks a bit scared. Love the photo with the natives – lovely.


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