Woo Hoo…Planning a trip to Europe!

I have brain pain right now!  The good kind!  I’m planning a six-week trip through 12 countries in Europe!  I’d like to visit Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Copenhagen, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungry, Romania, Bulgaria, and Turkey.  The only one I’ve been to is Germany (I lived there for a couple of years back in the late 70’s).  I’m hoping to Couchsurf in some countries, stay in hostels or cheap hotels for others, and I’d love to meet some of my fellow bloggers (like I met Rory in Cape Town)!

I’m not set on these countries yet but if I purchase a Eurail pass they are the most convenient to visit.  I would get discounts on boat travel with the Eurail pass.  As many of you know, when planning a big trip like this–it’s so time-consuming.  To get the best deal, I’m flexible with my dates (hoping to leave in about a month) and with my beginning destination.  I’ve looked at flying into Oslo, Norway; Helsinki, Finland and Copenhagen, Denmark.  From Helsinki I’d like to take a fast ferry to Tallinn, Estonia (2 hrs.) and spend a day there.  Also from Helsinki there is an overnight ship through either Silja or Viking Cruise Lines to Stockholm, Sweden.  And…of course in Norway the Fjords are at the top of my list!!  Air travel is quite inexpensive between some of the European cities also.  Less than $100 to fly from Bergen, Norway to Berlin!

So…my itinerary could be fly into Helsinki..stay a couple of nights..take a day trip to Estonia..take the overnight cruise to Stockholm..stay 2 or 3 nights…take a train to Oslo, Norway..stay 2 nights..take the scenic train & fjord cruise to Myrdal..Flam..Gudvangen.. bus to Voss..train to Bergen.  Fly to Copenhagen..trains on to Berlin, Prague, etc.

Or…fly into Copenhagen…stay 2 or 3 nights..take the train to Stockholm..stay 2 or 3 nights..take overnight cruise to Helsinki..stay 2 nights and do day trip to Estonia..fly from Helsinki to Oslo where I start the itinerary listed above onto Bergen…then fly from Bergen to Berlin, then trains onward.

Or…fly into Bergen…reverse the fjord & train itinerary to Oslo..stay 2 nights..train to Stockholm..stay 2 or 3 nights…overnight cruise to Helsinki…stay 2 nights with day trip to Estonia…fly from Helsinki to Copenhagen…then trains onto Berlin, Prague, etc.

Whew!  I was allotting at least 30-35 days for all of the countries except for Turkey, where I would stay in Istanbul for 3 nights — then possibly see Cappadocia (where the fairy chimneys are) — and for sure the Mediterranean shore, called the Turquoise Coast, in the area of Fethiye.  I’d love to hike a few miles along the Lycian Way (500 km) which is located on the coast.

I would be traveling solo…and thinking I won’t plan everything this time…to let the universe do its magic!  So if anyone would like to meet up…let me know!!

88 thoughts on “Woo Hoo…Planning a trip to Europe!

  1. Some amazing planning … some amazing journey – now you have decided to stay where your heart is. If you ever will take the train from Copenhagen to Stockholm, you have to stop over in Landskrona. You can have my landlords guest apartment, sleeps 4 – for £20 per night. *smile


  2. Sherry, I read about your next adventure and thought it sounded like a dream. Hope you are doing well and that you are busy making travel plans…miss seeing your updates.




    • Hi Elisa – I’ve decided not to do the trip right now. Need to be home with my husband. So, I’m going to get a job. I guess I got a little burned out on the blogging, but will get back to it soon! Thanks so much for checking in and hope your summer is nice so far!


      • I was missing seeing your smiling face and kind words everywhere….glad you are doing okay! I was worried about you. 🙂 Yes, I hear you about blogging. It can be so much fun and rewarding, but somehow I put so much pressure on myself….that is not the reason why I was doing this!! Have a nice break and good luck with the job hunt…probably something I should do myself!



  3. That is quite a travel you are planning. Looks like great fun. You are very welcome to stay at my place in Bergen – or at least it would be fun to meet up, if the dates actually fits. I am travelling quite a bit myself, so I might not be in Bergen when you will arrive. But let me know your schedule and let’s see what is possible. And by the way, I still haven’t caught up with your Africa travel, I just haven’t had time yet, but soon now things are gonna be a little less hectic and I will backtrack your posts. But I believe you had a great time.


    • That would be great Otto! Originally I was going to be arriving from Voss at 8:34am via train on Aug. 18th, but I’m thinking of moving the dates up by a week or so. I’m not sure yet. How does August look for you. It would be for two evenings. I’ll be flying to Copenhagen from Bergen.


  4. Very nice plans! But… if you only go to Copenhagen, you miss the best of the Denmark! Let me know if you are interested in museums or landscapes or historical monuments or …, and I can give you a couple of suggestions.


  5. Stumbled across your blog through networking. I just wanted to tell you that you are such an inspiration; as, I too have a traveling spirit, but due to lack of funds and pursuing a career right now, I don’t get much opportunity to brainstorm or even plan. I look forward to paroosing through your sites and checking out your adventures. Bon Voyage!


  6. I like to think I’ve ‘done’ Europe, but I haven’t when I look at your list of countries. But I’m heading to the Himalayas next year, as I’ve just posted about – maybe you could try that next (or have you already done it?)


  7. Yeah! How fun! Most of us don’t ever get 6 weeks to go anywhere. And it’s easy to cover a lot of territory in Europe in 6 weeks. I’ll be reading all about it as I plan my trips to Spain and Israel.


  8. That’s it! You’ve done it now! If you think I’m going to foot slog along with you through all those countries…? Yeah, you’d be absolutely right! Not even remotely jealous.
    Sparing a thought for the stay at home, though. Happy planning!


  9. That’s a pretty amazing schedule. As always I am sure you will have some pretty incredible tales to tell along the way. I’m getting excited already (you know I travel vicariously through you). One of these days you will visit Canada…I know…not as exotic as your other choices. 😉


  10. You’re incredible!! You just came back from one trip and already planning the next one! Wow! That’s amazing! Sounds great! In Turkey you could also go to Pamukkale which I think is worth although I didn’t manage to go there when I was in Istanbul and maybe Ephesus as well…


  11. Wow! 12 countries??? That’s a lot in 6 weeks! I prefer doing one or two countries in depth too. Turkey by itself deserves a couple of weeks at least, in my opinion.


  12. Oh you’ll have so much fun! When we went on a trip, we hit 7 countries for 9 days by driving. I guess your iterinaries are more far apart from each other.


  13. How ambitions (and how American) of you to plan to visit 12 countries in 4-5 short weeks. While it is partly a matter of preference to stay only a couple of nights everywhere, there are objective drawbacks to such tight schedulling as well. While in Europe you might end up spending half your time packing, unpacking, going to and from airports, waiting for planes and going through customs. Not to forget the brain pain involved in the planning of such a complex travel schedule.

    Enjoy your trip, happy couchsurfing and most of all go easy on yourself. And should you end up in the neighbourhood, you’re mostly welcome for a cup of coffee.


    • I detect some hostility/disgust from you Michael. I clearly said 6 weeks (not 4-5 weeks). Also, I don’t unpack on a trip like this. I have everything in separate soft sided containers, so it’s organized and easy. I’m not sure you read my itinerary. I plan on taking trains almost exclusively. And seeing that I’m “mostly” welcome for a cup of coffee, I think I’ll pass. I’m sending good thoughts and peace your way.


      • I shouldn’t be speaking on Michael’s behalf, but since I am trilingual, I know that alot gets lost in translation. I believe the “mostly” meant you are most heartily welcome. I assume English is not his native language. And yes, Americans are known for seeing alot in a very short period. Yay for us 🙂 (Europeans are notorious for doing that as well). Have an awesome trip!!!!


      • I see what you’re saying. But, I guess I felt attacked and I didn’t ask anyone’s opinion. I think most people aren’t used to traveling solo and I tend to travel a little faster when I’m on my own.


      • You go girl. It’s your trip – do what you wanna do! And my daughter (operationblank.com), at the tender age of 19, couchsurfed all over Europe and loved it. Can’t wait to hear about your adventures. And I need to catch up on what happened to your becoming a tour guide and how your husband and son are doing. I’m waaay behind on reading!


      • Thanks! I love your positive attitude. I haven’t taken steps towards the Tour Directing yet (but it’s still a distinct possibility) and actually just made the decision to leave my husband. My son is doing well…back in college. Lots of change going on…but that’s life! How is your daughter (the cutest girl ever)?


      • Thanks for your sweet message and sorry to hear about all the changes! Teresa is doing great and she recently got her first TV credit!!


      • I apologize if my remark made you feel attacked, it was not my intention to be mean. You are of course right – its your trip and you are free to do it the way you want to. And by “mostly welcome” I mean “most welcome”, sorry for that mistake, too. Have a safe journey and enjoy Europe.


  14. You forgot a multicultural and cosmopolitan country … Switzerland!
    If one day you change your mind, give me a whistle … I live in Ticino in the south part of Switzerland, where they speak Italian and where the lakes kisses the mountains!
    A little magic place, which since 100 years became the refuge of many wealthy from around the world.
    Embrace in serenity :-)claudine


  15. Like some others said, I would rather spend more time in fewer countries.

    For example, Sweden is much more than just Stockholm (Lapland, Siljan’s lake) and Lofoten Islands in Norway is a must. Istanbul itself needs more than a week (if you want to “live the city” and not only collect postcards), Capadoccia antoher week, and the southern coast around Antalya, more than a week as well.

    Just my opinion


  16. Wow – quite the trip! Looking forward to your Prague photos – we were there at Christmas and I fell in love with the place! Am heading to Europe for a couple months starting in August – not sure of all the places I will end up – but can’t wait to let my feet do the talking!


  17. Hope you’ll enjoy the trip, even if doing so many countries in such a short time would not exactly to my liking. But that’s a personal thing. Will be looking forward to all of your posts, though, and most of all from my native Germany.


  18. Have a great time!

    but 12 countries in 6 weeks? wow!! Whats the rush? I’ll try to stay at least a week in each country when will be traveling on that pass sometime next year or so.

    will be living in Morocco for a month in September and Gorilla Tracking in August in beautiful Uganda, then Spain and Russia … have one way tickets only : )
    so if you have time ( although doesn’t seem like it ) maybe you can come to Moscow…


  19. Sounds great! Maybe a lot of territory to cover in only 6 weeks, but I prefer a bit slower pace. I’m going to Turkey in October, and I definitely want to go to Scandinavia eventually, so I’m interested in hearing all about it!


  20. Wow — you are REALLY getting going here! I am going to be in Armenia in September … but I’m not sure you’ll be down there by then! If you are … sign me up! I’ll totally extend my Heifer trip and hang out with you, as we’ve got the same Travel Spirit!!


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