Saturday’s Spectacular Sunrise

I awoke before dawn, started the coffee pot, pulled on my winter jogging clothes, grabbed my camera and my container of coffee and walked to the beach.  It continues to take my breath away.  I feel giddy and excited when I see nature’s display of spectacular colors!  I’m the only one on the beach.

I like the legs of water in this photo.  I’m assuming that’s Panama City Beach in the distance.  I haven’t driven there yet, but plan on it.

I like the birds in the next two photos…

The rising sun was casting a strong glow in the sky and on the water…

I turned around and loved this side too!

Tomorrow I’ll have photos from my 10 mile afternoon bike ride through the Alys Beach area and passing a beautiful deep blue lake!


22 thoughts on “Saturday’s Spectacular Sunrise

  1. We went down onto the beach at Cambrils in Spain one early morning in October, aside from the bar owner we were the only folk there walking in the surf and following the webbed tracks of the gulls, perfect


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