Loveland Farmers Market

I went to the Loveland Farmers Market yesterday.  Don’t you just love the name of that town…”Loveland”!  Anyway, I bought some of my most favorite bread ever–the “Bad Boy”.  Really…that’s what it’s named.  Needless to say, it’s fun ordering…”May I have a Bad Boy please?”  It’s kind of like an everything bagel, but crusty on the outside and soft on the inside.  Made locally by Blue Oven Bakery in Williamsburg, Ohio, in a wood fired oven –it’s heavenly!

I also made an easy new “healthy” recipe last night.  It’s 1/2 cup of cooked chicken (I put a little olive oil in a pan, cut the chicken tenderloin into 1/2 inch pieces, and cooked it on the stove for about 10 minutes), 3 tablespoons of a sweet apple cut into small pieces, 2 tablespoons of red grapes cut into small pieces, and 1 tablespoon of honey on a large Romaine lettuce leaf.  You just eat it like a taco.  Surprisingly, my husband even liked it.  The honey gave a sweetness so you didn’t feel like you needed dessert.  I served a piece of the bread (buttered) along with it…so yummy!

I couldn’t resist bringing home a bouquet of flowers (including sunflowers) from the market and some lovely homemade soap (made with 6 oils)…

I jogged almost 3 miles yesterday morning and after dinner, my husband and I hiked 3 miles.  I took a shower and used my new soap before bed…it made my skin feel so soft…loved it!  Slept like a baby!  Hello Morning!  It feels good taking care of yourself!!

25 thoughts on “Loveland Farmers Market

  1. What a totally “feel-good” blog post! I started out thinking, “That bread looks so good!” but then I liked the dinner, the flowers, the soap, and your words describing it all. Sounds like a great day!


  2. Your picture of the “Bad Boy” reminded me again of what I, as a German, really miss here in the US: the hearty German bread and breadrolls. Well, meanwhile I can get some fairly good breads at certain bakeries, but not the breadrolls I’m used to. Maybe at some time I’ll give baking them a try myself.
    Take care, and have a good one,


  3. That bread, could I have a slice – please …. *smile – soap ???? Can’t remember when I showered and washed myself with pure soap – maybe I have to try something very special for that. When the body feels good the soul feels good too. Thanks for a lovely post.


  4. I would love to go to that market and I would be all over that “Bad Boy”! (Your were right, that was fun).
    That sounds like a pretty perfect day to me. Thanks for sharing it.


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