WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: Unique

Unique” is the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge this week.  I didn’t have to search for long before  coming across a few that seem “Unique” to me.  A couple of years ago, the Krohn Conservatory in Cincinnati, Ohio had their yearly Butterfly Exhibition, featuring butterflys from Brazil.  It was a great opportunity to take photographs of beautiful butterflys interacting with children and adults!


Here’s “Charley”…the one-eyed horse I rode for hours in New Mexico (quite sore afterwards).  I was a bit nervous riding along steep hills…afraid that he couldn’t see where he was going.


This lovely lady let me photograph her unique tatoo…


Most things in life seem unique to me!  Hope you a great weekend!

xoxo  ~Sherry~

17 thoughts on “WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: Unique

  1. Pingback: Unique People of the United States | Fabulous 50's

  2. Pingback: Photo Project: 52 Bolivian Sundays [week 5, 'Unique']: the highest mountain in the Cordillera Real. « 3rdculturechildren

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Unique | Mike Hardisty Photography

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