A Vision of White

I awoke this morning to a vision of white all around me…glorious snow!  My kitty Katie was even in awe!


The kind of snow that clings to every branch and creates a magical world of silence, surrounding you with nature’s calm beauty.


Traipsing outside in my house slippers, with my camera and tripod, Katie followed me everywhere I went.  My husband nicknamed me Doctor Doolittle because our dog and kitty follow me everywhere.


“When snow falls, nature listens.”  ~Antoinette van Kleeff


“Snow flakes are kisses from heaven.”  ~Author Unknown


41 thoughts on “A Vision of White

  1. Just beautiful Sheryl! I especially love your darling cat in the snow looking very bemused! We are having awful storms here in the UK at the moment with severe flood warnings in our area of the West Country. I would rather have snow! Happy New Year to you 🙂


  2. Wow, this is so beautiful … and we had snow only for 24 hours – 3 weeks ago, I really miss it .. and the frosty apricot mornings …
    It’s only grey, windy and wet … every single day, so sick of it. Winter should be winter. Surprised that your cat like to be out in the snow … cats normally don’t like to walk in anything that feels wet. Gorgeous cat you have … top photo is my favorite .. a bird looks have been spotted. *smile


      • Okay, because I had two cats .. many years ago: Whiskey and Zoda … None of them liked to put the paws into the snow. *smile – shows what true love can do. *smile


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