Colorful and Bustling Istanbul

Sights like this, a cat plumped down in the middle of a table of belts, enriched my visit to Istanbul and created such a fun and surprising atmosphere!


When you pick apart a scene like this to understand why it seems foreign to someone from America, the things that stand out to me are: the cart (it’s unlike those from America), the way the man is dressed on the right, with a long apron, the man in the background carrying a box on his head, the cobblestones, and the foreign signs on the building across the street.


Love this guy’s spirit!!


I believe I took this at the Spice Market.Ā  I was going to go to the Grand Bazaar, but one of the guys in the group said he liked the Spice Market better, and I’ve experienced Egypt’s Grand Bazaar!Ā  Everywhere you look, you’ll see the Turkish Flag!


This may have been on the way to Takism Square.Ā  For some reason, when I uploaded my photos from the day, it didn’t have the photos from the Square.Ā  It was quite a walk from our hotel there and back.


Turkish Coffee anyone?


How about some fried corn?Ā  I guess that’s what it was.


Ladies all over the City were sitting in restaurant storefronts making this flat bread.


Could you imagine dressing your child in one of these outfits and it wasn’t for Halloween?Ā  I realize it’s cultural…just sayin’!


Love, love, love Istanbul!!

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