High School Graduation Photo Shoot

High School Graduation photo shoots are a much-anticipated event for seniors across the United States!  I was excited when my second cousin…Maddie asked me to be her photographer!  As you can see, she’s a beautiful young lady!  She’s intelligent, athletic, and knows what she likes.  After taking photographs Tuesday evening, we arranged for her to come by my house on Wednesday and look through the 300 photographs and decide which were her favorites.  She brought her friend Ellie along, who is also beautiful, bright and a delight to be around!  Ellie recently had her photos taken by a photographer and spent over 10 times the amount Maddie is spending with me and didn’t like a couple of them very well.  She feels that if she had been able to look through the photographs and pick out the ones that she liked her expression in, she would have been more pleased.  Sometimes, just a subtle difference in the shape of the mouth, the look in the eyes, or the angle of the body can change their feeling of the photograph.  I think Maddie really enjoyed being able to have a bigger role in picking out the photographs.  As a bonus…we were able to spend some quality time together…I made dinner…they shot guns for the first time with my husband at our backyard shooting range and even took a tractor ride!

I liked all of the photos, but she had some favorites that weren’t mine and vice versa.  This one we both liked…


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Dancing in the Park

Put your dancin’ shoes on and come to the park…Ault Park in Cincinnati!  Thursday evening was the perfect night for it and after having an appetizer and drink with my girlfriend Cindy, we headed over to have more fun.  Ault Park has a series of outdoor dances during the summer with live music.  I stood the entire evening…with new shoes on…talking with friends, sipping wine and taking photographs.  My favorite is this one of a lady dancing.  As I watched the dancers, I noticed the sunlight dancing with their feet.


There were lots of hula hoops for people to have fun with.  I walked up a series of stairs to have a view of the crowd and noticed this little girl…


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Art in Ault Park

Ault Park is one of the many beautiful Parks in the Cincinnati area, with frequent events, such as “Art in Ault” that I attended this past week.  The work of Holly Schapker, a local artist, was on display along with complimentary wine and music!

I arrived early to take some photos.  The pavilion has wonderful architecture for photographs and the gardens are beautiful!


As I passed a small group of attendees, I couldn’t restrain myself from asking to take the photo of this lovely lady and her stately Poodle!


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